
Ammo Box:

The ammo box is a type of object that you can loot once per ammo crate per game. They are spawned spontaneously around the map, generally in structures. If you are low on ammo a lot be sure to check these to get enough ammo for your guns. It will randomly give you certain kinds of ammo with a decent amount of ammo.

Rarity: Common (Grey)


Hitpoints: 250

Materials Given: 2


The chest is a type of object that can be looted to get guns, utilities, and etc. These are spontaneously spread across the map in buildings, in the back of cars, in secret rooms, and etc. When there is one near you, you can hear it by it’s soothing sound. Open these as you might get crucial weapons.

Rarity: Common (Grey)


Hitpoints: 500


The llama is a type of object that is decently rare, but about 6 of them are spread across the map each game. In this llama there are 200 materials of wood, brick, and metal. There can also be utilities and heals/shields. This can really be helpful if you are low on any of those items.

Rarity: Common (Grey)


Time to Use: 5

Hitpoints: 250

Air Drop:

The AirDrop is an object that slowly float down from the sky after every circle that closes. You are guaranteed a legendary item in one of these items with some other items like utility or heals.

Rarity: Common (Grey)


Hitpoints: 500/750/1250